sexta-feira, julho 02, 2004

As pessoas mudam?

Os ingénuos que acreditam que Pedro Santana Lopes vai tornar-se um primeiro -ministro respeitável, deveriam lembrar-se da fábula do escorpião e da rã:

In the old folk tale, the frog is cautious about ferrying the scorpion across the rain-swollen stream, for fear the scorpion will sting him.

The scorpion calmly points out the absurdity of such an action: "If I were to do that, we would both drown."

The frog agrees to carry the scorpion. But when they reach the middle of the stream, the scorpion does indeed sting him.

Slipping beneath the waves as the paralyzing venom pumps through his body, the frog croaks out, "Why did you do that? Now we'll both drown."

"I can't help it," responds the scorpion. "It's in my nature."